The point of joking about being invited to attend a gospel brunch is that I'm not really joking. I really believe I can make it happen. I need to finish compiling my essays, of course, and decide what my focus is going to be. (And submit the manuscript and get someone interested and have my words edited and probably cry because so many changes and deadlines and what the hell was I thinking and what do you mean you don't know how to market it MARKET THIS, ASSHOLE and compromises and book deals and advances and student loans paid off and talk show appearances HI ELLEN I LOVE YOOOOOU!)
I can write about a lot of things, if we're sticking to that write-what-you-know rule, including:
- Being fat
- Being biracial
Being over 40 and having to pee all the goddamn time what the HELL bladder- Having curly hair with a mind of its own (which would actually be included in the exploration of black/multiracial women's hair sometimes being called "good" hair + all the hair experiences I've had
- Racism (ooh, a third broad topic for the win!)
- Misophonia, depression, anxiety and how difficult it is to talk about mental illness
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